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Electricity grids are key to renewable energy distribution



There is an abundance of clean, renewable, wind and solar energy that can produce green hydrogen and electricity to charge vehicle batteries, but there is no transport infrastructure to support rapid energy exchanges, or smooth the supply of power for our grids.




It was the control of fire and the ability to make fire on demand that meant humans could stay warm in colder climates, mostly reliant on wood for camp fires. That was fine when global population was minimal.


But then as our skill and knowledge grew, we invented central heating, rather than solar energy harvesting, because burning coal in controlled fires was easier. Hence, the order of discoveries and inventions is important. Such as the steam engine, from burning coal, and internal combustion engine from burning petrol and diesel


As humans grew in numbers, the greenhouse gases increased so much, it began to make an impact on planet earth. The anthropogenic age began; the human epoch. Causing acid oceans, rising sea levels, desertification, mass animal extinctions and global warming. The rise in temperature of planet earth, popularly referred to as climate change.


One of the major problems with the burning of fossil fuels, is the carcinogenic particulate emissions that cause a whole raft of cancers, the number one killer of people. With lung cancer being higher in cities as a result of the exhaust fumes from concentrated traffic.








What is all the fuss about renewable energy? All life on earth depends on it and managed to do so until humans became intelligent enough to know how to make use of coal, oil and gas, energy concentrated and stored from millions of years natural chemistry.


We can break free of unhealthy fossil fuels, with renewable solar and wind energy, to generate clean electricity, for life, sustainably, and as part of a circular economy that is stable, without growth. In harmony with our world's natural ecological balance.


Politicians today get elected by promising economic growth, when they should be banging the voters drums as to peaceful stability. Sadly, humans are naturally greedy, obsessive hoarders. They want to believe they will get rich, instead of a comfortable existence, where they cause no harm to mother earth. Voters love to hear about kleptocratic Empire building and national pride. 


It is an unfortunate fact of life, that the electorate will vote for promises that political candidates cannot keep. Voting in the misery of cancer, food and energy shortages, high priced hosing, and worst of all, the potential for war.


The Climate Change Trust are advocates of sustainable peace.





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This website is provided on a free basis to promote zero emission transport from renewable energy in Europe and Internationally. Copyright © Universal Smart Batteries and Climate Change Trust 2024. Solar Studios, BN271RF, United Kingdom.